
Comunità di Energia Rinnovabile: stato dell’arte e prospettive

[:it]Aula Arduino - Polo di Scienze della Terra[:en]Aula Arduino - P[:] Via Giovanni Gradenigo 6, Padova, PD

Le Comunità di Energia Rinnovabile (CER) rappresentano un nuovo modello di cooperazione tra utenti della rete elettrica, volto a incentivare l'autoconsumo di energia rinnovabile. Ne parliamo con l’Ing. Marco Costa dell’Agenzia per l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (AESS), ESCO che supporta i comuni nella realizzazione delle CER

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Hydropower and Climate Change

[:it]Aula Ke, Polo Didattico di Via Gradenigo 6/A (DEI)[:en]Classroom Ke, DEI - Departement of Information Engineering (Building G)[:] via Gradenigo 6/a, Padova, PD

We will talk about the potential impact of the rising temperatures on the producibility and programmability of hydropower technologies with Dr. Alessandro Amaranto, Energy Research Scientist at RSE (the Research institute on the Italian Energy Systems). Dr. Amaranto will present an analysis method based on neural networks that link historical meteorological data with the main climate models proposed by the IPCC

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A sea full of energy: extracting power from waves

[:it]Aula P4 - Complesso Paolotti[:en]Room P4 - Paolotti Building[:] Via Giambattista Belzoni, 7, Padova, PD

Event Climate change is one of the most pressing issues humanity has to face. A solution to this problem can be identified in the so-called energy transition. As a consequence, the latest Environmntal Action Programme (EAP) by the European Commission has set a series of extremely challenging targets to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. To […]

Ingresso libero

The role of energy storage in the frequency control of power systems

[:it]Zoom Video Webinars - Unipd (streaming)[:en]Zoom Video Webinars[:] Via VIII Settembre 1848, 2, Padova, PD

The Department of Industrial Engineering is hosting professor Juan Ignacio Pérez Díaz from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, for a webinar about the importance of energy storage systems (ESS) grid frequency regulation in a high RES-penetration scenario. 

Free access