
Pumped Hydropower Energy Storage

[:it]Aula M2, DIM - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale (Sede V)[:en]Classroom M2, DIM - Department of Industrial Engineering (Building V)[:] Viale Giuseppe Colombo 5, Padova, PD

Pumped hydropower storage (PHES) is currently the most effective and widespread solution for energy storage, accounting for more than 95% of the world's capacity. However, PHES is still not sufficient to fully enable storing renewable energy at times of overproduction.
Dr. Alterach, Expert Engineer from the Sustainable Development and Energy Sources Department of RSE S.p.A. (Research on the Energy System), will give an overview and the future outlook

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City Green L

[:it]Aula Arduino - Polo di Scienze della Terra[:en]Aula Arduino - P[:] Via Giovanni Gradenigo 6, Padova, PD

L'Azienda City Green Light è una dei principali operatori privati nel settore della pubblica illuminazione in Italia, specializzata nello sviluppo di soluzioni smart e sostenibili per l'accompagnamento delle PA nella transizione energetica e digitale. L’azienda è una società autonoma partecipata da primari fondi di investimento nazionali e internazionali specializzati nel settore: Marguerite, fondo europeo partecipato […]

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Direct Absorption Solar Collectors and Nanofluids

[:it]Aula Arduino - Polo di Scienze della Terra[:en]Aula Arduino - P[:] Via Giovanni Gradenigo 6, Padova, PD

Direct Absorption Solar Collectors (DASCs) are devices that employ a special heat transfer medium acting as a direct radiation absorber, in order to obtain a "volumetric" thermal conversion. Due to their interesting thermodynamic and optical properties, nanofluids (NFs) have been proposed as a vector for this particular process. We will talk about the potential of nanofluids in thermal solar applications, and how to solve their stability and compatibility issues, with Dr. Arianna Berto of the University of Padova

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PCMs for Energy Applications

[:it]Aula M1, DIM - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale (Sede V)[:en]Classroom M1, DIM - Department of Industrial Engineering (Building V)[:] Viale Giuseppe Colombo 5, Padova, PD

Phase Change Materials (PCMs) are substances that can absorb (and later release) a large amount of energy as they undergo a phase transition (typically from solid to liquid, and vice versa). We will discuss the potential of PCMs for thermal storage with dr. Giulia Righetti, professor of Applied Thermodynamics at the University of Padova.

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