Laura Carnieletto, who holds a Master’s Degree in Energy Engineering from the University of Padua, on 23 February 2018 received the G.S.E Graduation Award 2017 for her master’s thesis, entitled Energy reqdevelopment of the Crocifisso district in Padua: district heating and recovery of wet waste.
The ceremony took place at Palazzo Barberini in Rome, in the presence of the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Matterella, the Undersecretary for Economic Development Ivan Scalfarotto and the President of Confindustria Vincenzo Boccia, within the context of the Italian Quality Day organized by Comitato Leonardo – Italian Quality Committee. On this occasion, 11 companies associated to the Committee have rewarded as many students for their thesis works “on the subject of Made in Italy and Italian excellence in different sectors: from sports to fashion, from jewelry design to mechanics, from technology to sustainability, from boating to the enhancement and internationalization of Italian companies.”
In particular, the GSE evaluated those projects that presented “innovative energy solutions to facilitate the transition to a circular model of development” and finally decided to “reward a young person for a project that […] can trigger processes which bring immediate results and benefits to the whole territory, in terms of community, inclusion, income and respect for the environment”. For these reasons, the President of GSE Francesco Sperandini has delivered his recognition and a cash prize to Eng. Carnieletto.
Laura, who is currently conducting a PhD research at the University of Padova and who is also a member of the UniZEB team, was interviewed by our friends of Energy: Close-up Engineering. Read the article they dedicated her: